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Not always bad, these are foods that contain cholesterol and are healthy

Although it contains high cholesterol, there are some foods that are actually good and healthy for consumption. Some of them are cheese, eggs, and shelled aquatic animals.

Of course it is quite common for you to hear or understand that foods containing cholesterol should be avoided. Because, it can increase the risk of heart disease. First of all, there are also types of cholesterol foods but still healthy.

In addition, there have been many findings that cholesterol from food has only a minor impact on blood cholesterol levels in some people. In fact, this study from Tufts University in Boston found that there was no link between cholesterol and heart attack or stroke.

Foods that contain cholesterol but are healthy

Don't be surprised, there are many foods that contain cholesterol and are actually the healthiest. Moreover, the nutrition is very complete and needed by the body. So, what kind of food is it?

1. Cheese
Including one of the nutritious foods, a sheet of cheddar cheese contains 28 milligrams of cholesterol. Not only that, it also contains 7 grams of protein while meeting 15% of the daily calcium requirement.

Interestingly, cheese does contain quite a lot of saturated fat. However, the University of Copenhagen research team found that cheese has the potential to improve heart health.

2. Eggs
As a favorite homemade menu, eggs are also one of the most nutritious. The cholesterol? High enough. Two large eggs have cholesterol as much as 372 milligrams.

In addition, other nutrients in eggs are 13 grams of protein, selenium which meets 56% of daily needs, as well as riboflavin, choline, and vitamin B12.

Unfortunately, there are also many people who deliberately do not eat egg yolks because they are considered high cholesterol. This unwarranted fear often makes people choose to eat only egg whites. In fact, the yolk is precisely where protein and nutrients are highest.

Another advantage of consuming egg yolks is that they contain antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Both can reduce the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

3. Heart
Whatever the source, the liver is a good source of cholesterol. For example, 100 grams of beef liver contains 389 milligrams of cholesterol. Not only that, the liver also contains heme iron which is easily absorbed by the body. At least, 100 grams is enough to meet 28% of daily iron needs.

Even better, the liver also meets 600% of the daily requirement of vitamin A and more than 1,000% of the daily requirement of vitamin B12.

4. Organ meat
Apart from the most popular liver, other organ meats are also rich in nutrients. Examples such as the brain, kidney, and also the heart of animals. All of them are rich in cholesterol and low in fat.

In fact, organ meats are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, selenium, and iron. Plus, organ meats are also rich in CoQ10, which can reduce symptoms of heart failure. This vitamin-like substance can reduce muscle pain, a side effect of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

5. Aquatic animals with shells
Some popular examples of shellfish are shrimp, crab, lobster, oysters, scallops, and mussels. This type of food is low in fat but high in cholesterol. For example, 100 grams of shrimp contains 211 milligrams of cholesterol and only 2 grams of fat.

Generally, a serving of shellfish has 90% of the daily requirement for selenium. This is a mineral that plays an important role in reducing inflammation and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Not only that, shelled aquatic animals are also the best source of iodine which is important for brain and thyroid function.

6. Cod liver oil
In concentrated form, one tablespoon of cod liver oil contains 570 milligrams of cholesterol. In addition, it also fulfills 453% of the daily requirement of vitamin A and 170% of the daily requirement of vitamin D.

Furthermore, cod liver oil is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. There is also promising research from the University of Guelph, Canada about god fish oil can protect against cancer.

7. Sardines
It's no exaggeration to call sardines a true superfood. In 100 grams of sardines alone, there are 142 milligrams of cholesterol. In addition, there are also 25 grams of protein, vitamin D as much as 24% of daily needs, calcium 29%, and selenium almost 100% of daily needs.

Not only that, sardines also contain 982 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. The impact on health is very good ranging from reducing the risk of heart disease and protecting brain health.

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