Healthy living
Healthy Life is a life that is free from all spiritual (mental) or physical (physical) problems. Healthy living can be interpreted as someone who lives physically and psychologically healthy without any health problems at all. As if it has become a trend nowadays, healthy living is an important thing to do. Because having a healthy body must begin with a healthy and clean life so that our bodies will be free from disease. From now on, it's time for us to start living a healthy life.
Let's live healthy today! is an encouragement for us to live a healthy lifestyle. implementing a simple healthy life is the first step to starting a quality healthy life. It should also be noted that many diseases are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is time to live a healthy lifestyle since adolescence so that we get used to it and continue to live healthy until the age of 40.
- Benefits of Healthy Living
Why is healthy living important? today there are still many people who do not realize how important it is to live healthy for their daily life. Having a healthy body will certainly support our daily activities. Just imagine if we have a disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, it will certainly harm ourselves and also our family. Because, activities will be disrupted because we are sick and even a lot of money will come out for treatment. Therefore we must be aware of how important it is to maintain health.
Healthy living can be started from yourself by reducing habits that are not good for health. from now on it is time for us to start a healthy life without diabetes, live a healthy life without smoking, live a healthy life without drugs and live a healthy life free of cancer. let's start living healthy since adolescence so that we can live healthy until the elderly. here are the benefits of living a healthy life
Besides being beneficial for health, living a healthy life is also able to improve mood. Because living a healthy life can make you confident and improve your mood. This is because a healthy life by exercising and a healthy diet can stimulate the production of endorphins in the body. This makes us feel happier and more relaxed.
2.Increase body energy
The next benefit of healthy living is being able to increase the supply of energy needed by the body to support daily activities. Running a healthy diet by consuming fruits and vegetables and foods that are high in protein can provide a lot of energy for the body
3.Reduce the risk of disease
Running a healthy life of course we will avoid the problem of disease. Running a healthy life by doing regular physical activity will increase endurance. When living a healthy life, of course, the intake of protein, vitamins and nutrients will be fulfilled, this will make us avoid the risk of disease.
- Healthy Lifestyle With My Plate Contents
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes) intensively echoes the socialization of the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS). This step is taken to remind the public to maintain health by implementing GERMAS in order to realize a healthy Indonesia. In everyday life, healthy living is a form of mental revolution so that people get used to living a healthy lifestyle.
One of the healthy living activities that is being heavily promoted is healthy living with My Plate Fill. My plate is an ideal portion for normal adults, this is done to prevent disease. Healthy living with the contents of my plate can be an indicator of a person's health for the long term.
The contents of my plate are an illustration of healthy food which includes 4 healthy 5 perfect which cannot be enough so that it is equipped with balanced nutrition guidelines with 10 points. Balanced nutrition guidelines currently focus on 4 things, namely drinking water, physical activity, routine health checks and washing hands with soap (CTPS) - (Complete Information on Healthy Living)
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