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9 Tips for Healthy Living in the Office to Stay Fit and Stress Free

Some tips for healthy living in the office include drinking water regularly, avoiding unhealthy snacks, stretching, and walking.

Most office workers are required to sit for hours in front of a computer screen. Not to mention if there are jobs that require them to work overtime. If not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, this habit can be harmful to health.

So that the body stays in shape and is not susceptible to disease, consider the following tips for healthy living in the office.

9 tips for healthy living in the office that are important for office workers
From drinking water regularly to getting used to walking, here is a healthy lifestyle for employees that you can follow.

1. Avoid unhealthy snacks
Various snacks that are placed in the pantry or savory street snacks are indeed tempting. Not infrequently we eat it while working to eliminate hunger.

However, you need to be careful because if the snack is unhealthy, the number of calories in the body can increase, causing unwanted weight gain. Better, bring healthy snacks from home such as fruit or vegetables.

2. Regularly drink water
Quoted from Web MD, healthy tips in the office that are important to practice are drinking water regularly. Drink at least 10 glasses per day to keep the body hydrated.

You can also eat healthy foods that contain water, such as oranges, watermelon, grapes, to apples. In addition to hydrating the body, these various fruits can meet the needs of other important nutrients.

3. Get used to walking
The next tip for healthy living in the office is to get used to walking, whether it's when buying lunch, climbing stairs, or parking a vehicle a bit far from the office.

ln addition to burning calories, this walking habit can make your mind fresh and overcome feelings of stress that may arise due to work.

4. Cut down on caffeine
When working late at the office, many people usually need a caffeinated drink to keep them from feeling tired and sleepy. However, watch the amount of caffeine you consume.

Because, consuming excessive caffeine can cause dizziness, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), to fatigue. Of course you don't want these things to happen at work, do you?

You are advised not to consume more than 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine or the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee every day so that the various side effects above do not occur.

5. Stretching the body
Sitting too long can make the body feel sore. Therefore, you should get used to stretching your body on the sidelines of your busy life in front of the computer.

One of the easiest body stretches to do from your chair is the hip opener. This movement is able to overcome the feeling of soreness due to sitting too long.

Here's how to do a hip opener easily:

  • Sit on the edge of the chair, then bend your legs forward
  • Then, lift one leg up to the thigh
  • Finally, lean forward.

6. Keep your eyes away from the computer screen
A healthy habit that needs to be applied in the workplace is to keep the distance between the eyes and the computer screen.

Because, staring at a computer screen too close can cause headaches to eye strain. If left unchecked, this condition can make you tired quickly.

7. Cleaning work equipment
Various work equipment, such as keyboards, mice, to cellphones, can be a gathering place for germs that can invite disease.

What's more, various viruses can stick to work equipment for hours or even days.

Use a disinfectant to clean these various devices so that bacteria and viruses can be cleaned.

8. Avoid working too long
The amount of work that must be completed sometimes makes you do not know the time at work. In fact, the body needs rest to stay fit and avoid disease.

Therefore, try to manage your time as best as possible so that all work can be completed on time. If you have too much work, try not to do it all at once.

Besides being able to make work results not optimal, this has the potential to make you feel tired.

9. Learn to relieve stress
Feelings of stress can arise due to work in the office. If left untreated, this mental health disorder has the potential to endanger your health.

Therefore, try to learn to relieve stress. One of the easiest ways to try is to do things you enjoy, like playing with your family, watching movies, reading books, or exercising.

These various activities can relax the mind so that work-life balance can be achieved.

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